Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dear Baby,

During my run this afternoon I got to thinking how lucky you truly are. You don't realize this yet, but you are going to have one of the best daddy's of all time. There are a few things that you are going to need to know if you are going to make it in this family.

1. Your daddy is probably one of the most stubborn people of all time. Things will go a lot smoother if you learn this and learn how to back down every now and then; I have sure had to learn that.

2. Your daddy works so hard for his family! I can promise you one thing, you will never need for anything. You may want for a lot of things but there will not ever be a time that you will need for something. He will want you to have everything that your little heart desires, but he has made it his goal to not give you everything that you ask for. Instead he wants you to earn some things on your own and realize that things are not going to just be given to you in life. (I think he will stick to his guns on this one, unless you happen to be a little girl:) Then they may be harder than he thinks.

3. Your daddy is one of the funniest people I know. You may not understand his humor sometimes, as a matter of fact, you might consider his humor to be a bit embarrassing. But hey, he's your dad and he will most certainly try to make you blush from time to time.

4. There will be nobody who loves you more in this world than your daddy (well, maybe there is a tie between him and somebody else :), but he already loves you so much and counts down the days until he gets to meet you.
5. Every night your daddy will say a prayer over you, and one day you will be old enough to say them with your daddy before you go to bed every night.


Your mom

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