Friday, May 27, 2011

Future athlete? Maybe...

We may have a future athlete on our hands... I'm just saying.



A day at the park...

Noah and I took Cash to the park one evening this week and he wandered around forever. He tried to pick up everything and made it a point to find and try and touch the "te te" or tree as we like to call it. I love the age that Cash is at right now. We can take him anywhere and he is so awesome. Never makes a scene. Rarely throws a 3 second fit if he doesn't get to do something he wants to do. Just a really fun age.

I absolutely love my boys. They make every day better than the one before. The keep me on my toes, sometimes Noah more than Cash. They melt my heart when they spend their special daddy-son time together. I am the luckiest girl in the world to get to share my life with these two crazy boys.


It's a zoo out there...

I took Cash to the zoo last weekend for his first trip ever. He loved it. I mean, he loved it. He looked at everything with such intent and curiosity, it amazed me.

He loved looking at the "ka...ka" or cats as those of us with language skills refer to them. I can't wait to take him back when he has a little bit better idea of what is going on.



Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thinking of you tonight baby...

"The very first moment I beheld him, My heart was irrevocably gone."

-Jane Austen

This quote warmly depicts my feelings of becoming and being your mama.



Monday, May 16, 2011

I just love this...

You have to watch this video all the way to the end. You just gotta!! Cash freaking loves his dad!



Dear baby Cash,

You crack me up. I mean, seriously crack me up. You have this special way of being completely nuts with a side of sweetness throughout the day. You are becoming such an independent little boy and my pride swells a bit because deep down I always wanted you to be independent. Not too independent. You still want your mommy when you don't feel good or when you are tired. You still want your daddy to play with you when you get tired of shuffling through the 3,687 toys in your toy box. But you are independent. You don't want anyone to hold your hand when you walk. You don't want anyone to pick you up when you are outside, which is pretty much your favorite spot. You walk proudly on your own with your chest stuck out a bit because I think you realize how big you are getting.

You may, in fact, become a gardener in your lifetime. I cannot tell you how utterly excited you get when I mention going outside or "side" as you refer to it. You play with the garden hose non-stop and try to eat anything that crosses your path as you explore.

You are also quite the eater these days. Tonight, for example, you had fish with green peas and avocados. All big people food! And you love it. No complaints from your end.

I didn't really want to put this last picture on here because I think you look completely crazy. Like maybe just escaped from the mental asylum or something. But, you dad thought it was absolutely hilarious so I caved.

Love you little nugget!



What a perfect day to mow the yard...

Cash is obsessed with the lawn mower. Loves it. Screams with excitement when he sees it. So it is only natural that we buy him his own lawn mower so that he can help daddy in the yard.

I am not sure exactly how he manages to get one pant leg rolled up that way and look so incredibly gangster, but he does.



Friday, May 13, 2011

Mommy's day church picture...

And yes, I chopped all of my hair off. I really like it and Cash pulls it I am happy.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

My very first Mother's Day...

That is the first and only time I will ever get to make that comment. My very first Mother's Day! How surreal. Weird even. I still find it odd that I am, indeed, a mommy and I am a mommy to a terrific little nugget that is the sweetest little boy that loves to play outside with the garden hose.
Ya know, people tell you before you have a child how much your life will change and how you will experience a love you never though possible and yadda yadda yadda. "I know, I know", you mumble and wonder how these people can think that I, the future mother-t0-be that is carrying this beach ball in my stomach so low that I feel at moment he could just pop right out in the middle of the grocery store, doesn't know how much I will love it? Get real people!

But... I hate to say it! I mean I really hate to say it. I hate to admit when I am wrong, I mean I do it sometimes but I try to avoid it when possible, but I will admit it this time. I. Was. Wrong.

I never knew that my heart could hurt so much for a little baby that I had met no more than 30 seconds earlier because he had to be taken the NICU because he was having some respiratory problems. I never knew that I would get so irritated and upset and impatient at a tiny baby because all I wanted it to do was sleep and all they wanted was for my to hold them and snuggle them. I mean, how sad is that? I never knew how fast my heart could drop in my chest when my precious mobile baby falls face first on the tile and busts his lip and is bleeding on my shoulder. And all I can do is hold him and love him and tell him, "It's okay, Cash" when deep down I want to freak out and cry with him.

Mommy hood changes you, there is no disputing that. It changes you in ways you cannot possibly imagine. Every morning is like Christmas morning in our house with Noah and me. We sit in bed, waiting patiently for Cash to make a noise so that we can run in there and grab him and bring him in bed with us! He is our Christmas morning present. He is what we keep one eye cracked open for in the early parts of the morning because we cannot wait to see what he will do next or babble next.

I waited with patient anticipation for my present to be here. I waited for 9 months on the day. And now he is here. And now I am his mommy. And now my life is a whirlwind of laughter, love, trials, and overwhelming pride. You can't beat that.
