Thursday, January 6, 2011

Month 4 and 5. All rolled into one...

Dear baby,

As I sit in our living room and watch you grunting and rolling all over the floor, I feel compelled to apologize to you. This blog is intended to be your "baby book". It is intended to capture all of your milestones and accomplishments as you get older. And I have failed you. The past few months have been a whirlwind of activities and I have forgotten to tell you all of the really neat and exciting things that you have been doing.

You love to play on your tummy. I never thought that you would enjoy this because you were not the biggest fan of tummy time when you were younger.

You love to play with anything that you are not supposed to. Particularly, the remote control and mommy's iPhone. Your daddy and I have tried to give you little toys that resemble the remote and a phone, but you are not fooled. You know that if we don't object to you playing with it, then it is just not worth your time.

You are incredibly loud. I don't know why I am surprised at this... I mean, have you heard your daddy? You and he talk constantly.
One of your favorite things to look at are dogs. You love puppies. Especially Duke the dog. You can stare at him for ours. He loves to be around you right now, but we will see how much he enjoys that when you are mobile and constantly bothering him.

You can not stand to have clothes put on you. When you are naked you are one happy boy. When I go to get you dressed, you throw a little diva fit.

You are eating veggies now! I mean, you are a big boy! You have had green beans and peas. You don't mind the green beans so much, but you are not a fan of the peas. The Dr said as soon as you try all of the green and yellow veggies you can start on fruit. I suggest you hurry and try all the veggies. Just a word of advice from your mom.

You are about 2 cm away from crawling. I mean really crawling. You prop yourself up all all fours and rock back and forth. You try to start crawling but you are a bit top heavy and you end up just toppling over.
You are able to sit up on your own for the most part. You just have a probleme with sitting up for a long period of time.

Most of the little babies that you hang out with are boys. You have your cousins; Luke, Brady, and Owen. And then you have your friends that are with you during the week at the babysitter: Bryce and Tripp.

Mary is your babysitter and you could not be more lucky. She is an answered prayer for your daddy and me and we could not have dreamed of another person to help take care of you. She watches you on Monday and Wednesday.
Your nonni watches you on Tuesday and Thursday and she helps us out tremendously. We are lucky to have her around.

It is a completely different life your father and I live now. Now that we have you in it. We look forward to each and every day that we have with you and are blown away at how happy you make us.
Keep on keepin on little man.


Mom and Dad

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