Sunday, June 27, 2010

Big big day....

Today was a very special day for Noah and me. It is our 1 year anniversary and I am officially 36 weeks. which means we have less than a month to go. So much going on, but I loved every minute of it. We kept our day pretty low key considering that we may not get many more low key days in the future :) We went to church...went to lunch...went to Target...did some housework...watched a movie...and ate the top layer of our cake from a year ago! I must say, the cake was not as bad as I thought it would be. But it was for sure nothing to brag about. Noah and I have had a lot go on in our first year of marriage...started PT school...he started a new job...moved into a new house...oh yeah and that whole having a baby thing! I would not have picked any other person in the whole world to spend the first crazy year with and I look forward to the next 70 (that's right Noah, I said 70.)

Here are some pictures from the cake adventure this evening. My friend Kassie came down and took these pictures with my iPhone so I am sorry about the poor quality. (Someone stole my camera out of my truck so I am saving up for one of those fancy high tech cameras.)

And last but not least is a belly bump update. 36 weeks down and 4 more to go (if he decides that is when he wants to come.)

1 comment:

  1. Kyla came at 37 weeks :) get ready :) could be soon :) Love you! (MeLay)
