Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear baby,

Today we had our check up with the Dr and she informed me that everything is going just fine. The Dr. said that I look healthy and you sound healthy. They decided that they want to keep your birthday as July 25Th, but I am sure you will have your own schedule :) Your heartbeat was bumping at 150 beats per minute! (I also have a tiny confession: your daddy and I thought that your heartbeat sounded like techno music and we both had a mental picture of your pumping your fist in there Jersey Shore style!) Anyway...
I have to admit, I am just now getting used to this notion of becoming your mommy. I realize how much I already care about you and worry about you when I find myself holding my breath for the 5 to 10 seconds it takes the Dr. to find your heartbeat with the Doppler machine. I know it sounds dramatic (and maybe I am just a bit) but it feels like the longest 5 to 10 seconds ever. I can't feel you moving around yet, but I pray daily that you are healthy and happy in your little "home".

Your Mom


  1. Yeah for a great heartbeat! Kisses to the belly xoxo--Casey

  2. i still get nervous when they are looking for the heartbeat, even though i can feel all kinds of movement! i don't think it ever will change until she gets here. hope you're feeling well!!
