Tuesday, July 31, 2012

'Lil bit's crib...

'Lil bit is what Noah has taken to calling our daughter. I don't mind it  until we are settled on how to spell her name. We have the first and middle name picked out, just still debating on how we want to spell it. 

I digress...

This weekend, my mom, Cash and I went to Dallas to look for a crib. My mom is so terribly generous and has offered to buy her crib (just like she did Cash's). So sweet! So we made a girls (and Cash's) weekend trip to Dallas and the hunt began.

Cash was more excited than anyone. He just kept saying "I find sissy a bed!!!!" louder and louder in each store we went to. So cute.

Anyway, here is the bed we picked for her. It is in an antique white with a more sanded and antiqued finish than this picture. And is convertible to a toddler bed.

Thank you again Mom. We appreciate it more than you know.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Another trip down memory lane...

Since the weather has been anything but cool, I have been searching for things for Cash to do... inside. And as most people with a 2 year old can attest, keeping a toddler happy indoors only lasts so long. So, I called in some resources. Some older, very reliable, and very understanding resources. And off to the basketball gym we went. 

Last fall we went to my cousin Dillyn's basketball game at Westmoore, my old high school. I snapped a picture of Cash in my old high school gym and was so happy I was able to capture that moment. 

 Here are some pictures from Cash's trip down mommy's memory lane. I'm not sure he will ever fully understand the memories and experiences that I had in this gym. But hopefully, one day, he will experience a similar opportunity that helps to shape the person he will ultimately become.

One day he will bored with all of mommy's stories...but today was not that day.
Just dreaming...

Very happy moment for me...
Check the form. Not bad for a 2 year old

My future Olympian...

In honor of the Olympics going on right now, I thought it would be only fitting to share with you guys Cash's dreams of being in the Olympics.

He told me the other day he was going to go to the Olympics. I asked him for what. He told me golf and baseball. Even though they don't have golf or baseball in the Olympics right now, I am not at all doubting that my son will go to the Olympics.

It's amazing to me how when you have children, their dreams become your dreams. Their wishes become your wishes. I feel complete confidence that my son will be whatever he wants to be. And if that includes being an Olympian, then so be it.


Shopping for sissy...

Cash really enjoyed going on a little shopping trip for his future sister. He picked out a ton of stuff and every time he would say, "Ooh, that's pretty. I like that."

Noah isn't the happiest camper that Cash enjoys shopping so much :)

By the way, the dress he has in his hands in the picture below is $40. He has some expensive taste, that's for sure.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dear Cash,

We danced again tonight. I love that no matter how old you are getting, you still ask to dance with me. And dance we did. And mommy cried. 

Maybe I am just a little more emotional these days due to your baby sister being in my belly. Or maybe its just that you are so terribly sweet and asked me like a perfect gentleman to "Hold mommy's hand" while you looked up and smiled at me. And then you sat in my arms and rubbed my back and asked me to sing to you. It amazes me how much and deeply I love you. And how happy you make me. And how much you love me. You are mine and I am yours. In that moment when we are dancing, the world around us stops and it is just us. And I am not sure I could be any happier.

Just thought you should know that.


Little lady...

Here we are at 12 weeks into this pregnancy. I am a bit behind, but this was taken when the Thunder were in the NBA finals. Such a fun time around here. 

Trust me, you will love going to Thunder games with the fam...



Saturday, July 14, 2012

Our ever expanding family...

There are times I ask myself, "Another kid? Can we handle 2? Can we be good parents to 2?" Mostly those thoughts come when Cash is acting up or being a little 2 year old that has the stubbornness of his daddy and mommy and the attitude of a 16 year old girl. But we always knew we wanted more than 1 kid. Here is how it came to be... and no, I will NOT be going into that kind of detail you sicko...

We thought about starting to try for another baby around January. Nothing too serious, just weighing our options and seeing what was right for our family. Well, in February I got a positive pregnancy test. I was stoked. Not exactly what I had planned, but neither was Cash. So I figured if this is the time we are supposed to have another baby, then so be it. I went to the Dr to do my blood work and went on about my day. Not giving anything a second thought. I was pregnant and that was that. Then I got a phone call from the Dr saying my HGC and progesterone levels were low. Really low. I had no idea what that meant. My pregnancy with Cash was as easy as they come and I didn't even know what HCG and progesterone levels were. I went back in a few days later to do more blood work and waited 2 days for the phone call. The phone call to tell me that I was having a "chemical pregnancy" and would miscarry in a matter of days. BOOM. Just like that. The phone call came on Valentine's Day and Noah was out of town. So it was just me and Cash. I told him the news because he is such a good listener and always knows the right thing to say :). His response when I told him he wasn't going to be a big brother right now was, "Love you mommy." And that is all I needed to hear. I was sad and confused and thought there was something wrong with me. I probably over dramatized it in my head a bit, but prayed about it and was fine with the result. It wasn't meant to be. And that was okay.

The Dr told us that since I am so incredibly irregular (Sorry Cash, I know you don't care to know that), it would be a little harder to try to pinpoint my ovulation days. Which I never wanted to do to begin with. I didn't want the process to be stressful and business like. So we didn't worry about any of that and decided it would happen when it was supposed to happen.

And just a side note, it is not uncommon for me to go 4 months without a period. Dr says its "normal" for me, but not really considered normal. So I don't know when to take the pregnancy tests or any of that. So on a random Thursday, I took a test and it said pregnant. I was cautiously excited this time. Went to the Dr and got a call that my levels were low again. AGAIN! I was bummed. They told me to come back in a week and they would re-check my levels. A week?? I just couldn't wait. But I did. I prayed and prayed and prayed. And when I went back to check, my levels were really high and I was pregnant.

So that is how you came to be, sweet girl. "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:26-28


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dear baby girl...

I wish we could tell you that we wished a prayed for our second child to be a little girl, but that wouldn't be the truth. Sorry. After having your brother, I couldn't really see myself as anything other than a boy mommy. I wasn't opposed to the idea of having a girl, just never really looked at it as a legitimate possibility. And then those 4 little letters were written on the ultrasound...


And that was it. My world turned upside down with happiness and disbelief. I smiled from ear to ear and thought of all of the fun we will have as mother and daughter. I teared up knowing that my husband, your daddy, the man who is scared to death to have a baby girl, would soon enough have a little girl to love on and play with. And with that we knew, this is how our family is supposed to be. Just like this.

Here are a few things that I know:

  1. You will not always have the best looking hair. So sorry. I don't have the slightest idea about how to do hair and neither does your dad. He has put some rules into place about the bows we can put in your hair. "No bigger than a quarter" he says. "And no PINK". We will just have to see on that one.
  2. Your big brother is one for the ages. Truly. He is going to be obsessed with you. He is going to protect you, kiss you, hug you, tackle you, hit you, and play with you. Whether you like it or not, that is a fact.
  3. You will probably be raised to be a rough and tumble little girl. Again, sorry. I don't know how to be a very prissy girl and would never claim to know how to raise one. But we will play sports and play in the mud. We will get dirty and you will wear some of your brothers clothes. Just the way it is.
  4. You will be spoiled. 
  5. If history repeats itself, you will be a chubby little girl. (Sorry again, you get that from your mommy)
  6. And you will be another one of our pride and joys.
Looking forward to meeting you and seeing who you become.

Until then, take it easy on me,


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What an exciting time...

What is better than passing my boards and officially becoming Erin Allen, PT, DPT you might ask?? Oh I don't know...

Maybe welcoming a baby GIRL to our family in December. We are pumped and scared :)

This should be really fun....and expensive!


Sunday, July 8, 2012

What could it be...

We will announce in a few days what the next little Allen nugget will be. Should be fun!


A long overdue update on Cash $...

This post is long overdue. And I mean long overdue. So let's just jump right into it...

Cash, you turn 2 this month. Holy cow, this thing has gone by fast. Here are a few things you doing and into right now:

  • Saying all of your ABC's
  • Counting to 13
  • Singing "Row row row your boat", "Itsy bitsy spider", "Twinkle twinkle little star", and a ton of other songs that you hear on Nonni's cd in her car
  • Repeating EVERYTHING. 
  • You love baseball, golf, swimming, basketball,mowing, and an other sport you can mimic that is on tv
  • You still love to watch "Shrek" and "Narnia"
  • You love to run. And run. And run. You run a mile and half without stopping
  • You are very polite and say "thank you"most of the time
  • You like to water the plants and help daddy and grandude outside
  • You are very helpful and if asked to do something, 8 times out of 10 you will do it
  • You eat everything. You aren't very picky. The only thing you don't really like is celery
  • You really like to perform and dance for people. And you are quite the little dancer
  • You are gentle with all babies and animals.
  • You don't really hit or bite, but you have started this thing of pulling hair on occasion
  • You love to sleep with Boomer
  • You love to walk around with your golf clubs or new bat
  • You started Mother's Day Out and seem to be loving it

Just doing fireworks with daddy on the 4th of July at the golf course, which you ask to go to every day...

Your first day of school with you Batman backpack that your Auntie got you...

Sleeping in the car, which is a rarity...

Hahahahaha, how could I not love this pic???

You are growing and turning into such a sweet little boy. You amaze me every single day with something new you do. You make me laugh, frustrate me, love me, bug me, and make my world go around. You ask me to dance and try to twirl me. You kiss me all the time and tell me how pretty I am. You like to play with my hair and tell me that "Mommy's hair is pretty". You tell me all the time, "Mommy, I need to talk to you". You like to lay down in mommy's bed. You crack me up when you sing your version of Boomer Sooner with your finger in the air. 

I just love you. As simple and as easy as that.
