Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baby Cash update...

Well, we are not making much progress yet. I went back to the Dr. today and she said I was dilated to a 1 1/2 now. Slowly but surely I guess. Anyway, the doc and I scheduled to induce next Saturday evening, but she is not 100% sure she wants to induce me unless my cervix is ready. Does anyone know how to go about serving an eviction notice to your cervix and uterus? If so...message me! We will see next Thursday when I go back to the Dr. if I am ready to deliver this little dude.

On a lighter note, I am officially awesome at peeing in the cup at the Dr.'s office. I haven't peed on the outside of the cup or on my hand in at least 6 months. I'm just saying.


  1. Can't tell you anything about an eviction notice....Cherokee took her own sweet time and was 10 days later than expected! Of course, she was also 11+ pounds and I wouldn't recommened that so get that eviction started!

  2. well....i squated all the time. when i was watching tv, when i was eating, etc. and then SEX!!! it really really works! but...they were going to give me cervidil the night before inducing because my cervix wasn't ready but then when i went in for the cervidil, i had dilated and it had softened. hopefully that works for you! good luck!!!

  3. Good luck! Im so excited for you! You tell that cervix to get into gear! It's time for baby Cash to be here!
