Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dear Baby Cash,

If all goes according to plan we will get to meet you in one short week. We will finally get to stop guessing what you will look like... What color of hair you will have... What color of eyes you will have. All the little mysteries and wonders that kept us guessing for 9 months will all be answered and we can't wait. It is hard for me to understand how I can already love you so much and never have actually met you. If I love you this much now I am scared to know how I will feel the first time they place you in my arms. I am going to miss it being just me and you because that is all it has been over the last 9 months, but I can not tell you how excited I am for your dad to meet you. You are all he talks about these days. He says, "I am going to do ______ with my boy. And I am going to talk to Cash about _______. I can't wait until me and Cash can_____." You will never know how happy you make us, but we will try and show you and tell you every day. I can't wait for the first moment we get to see you. I am almost certain that you are going to take my very breath away.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baby Cash update...

Well, we are not making much progress yet. I went back to the Dr. today and she said I was dilated to a 1 1/2 now. Slowly but surely I guess. Anyway, the doc and I scheduled to induce next Saturday evening, but she is not 100% sure she wants to induce me unless my cervix is ready. Does anyone know how to go about serving an eviction notice to your cervix and uterus? If so...message me! We will see next Thursday when I go back to the Dr. if I am ready to deliver this little dude.

On a lighter note, I am officially awesome at peeing in the cup at the Dr.'s office. I haven't peed on the outside of the cup or on my hand in at least 6 months. I'm just saying.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Breastfeeding 101...

I guess you can call me an expert now since I have been to a 2 1/2 breastfeeding class now. Yeah right!

I attended a breastfeeding class tonight, by myself I might add (Noah was supposed to go but his work has taken him out of town), and felt as though my head was spinning. I have heard from a number of mothers that breastfeeding is very hard and it is not as easy as what some people make it out to be. So I wanted to be a little prepared. I did not expect to hold an artificial boob in my hand and a plastic baby and talk about what color the poop and pee should be 4 days after he is born. It was interesting to say the least. Not to mention that I was totally awkward holding the plastic baby and I am pretty sure the little thing hit its head on the table once or twice. I really hope I get better at this whole holding a baby and feeding a baby and taking care of a baby thing.

Noah told me to tell the class that my baby's daddy is in prison and he would love to have made the class if he could. Luckily, I wasn't asked about my baby's daddy and so I didn't have to use this excuse. I have another class next Monday night and Noah should be in attendance for that one. I can't wait to hear some of the things that he says and comes up with. He is too funny. Case and point... our conversation the other day:

Me: I think I am having a contraction or something.

Noah: Are you sure its not one of those Harry Sampson's??

Me: What are you talking about?

Noah: You know, those fake contractions. What are they called?

Me: I think Braxton Hicks is what you are talking about.

Oh brother...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

No news is good news...right?

I had my Dr.'s appt today and there was really no change in anything. I am a bit torn about it because I finally feel like I am ready to meet my young man, but I also know that to follow through on my plan for school, Cash needs to stay in there until his due date. So I guess I am okay with the progress (or lack there of) for the time being. I did change from being 0% effaced to being 30% effaced (whatever that means).

I have been feeling pretty good for being on my feet for 7-8 hours a day. No swelling and I have not been all that tired when I get home. I do have a lot of work for school before Cash arrives, but I would rather get all my school things done so I can spend the full 3 weeks with Cash before I go back to school.

I guess now we are just playing the waiting game....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Clinicals have come and will quickly be gone...

I started my 4 week rotation at an outpatient clinic in Newcastle yesterday and it went great. I really like the people there and there are very supportive of my "situation". My hours are a bit long but I have to get these clinicals knocked out before Mr. Cash arrives. I worked from 8:30 to 7:00 yesterday and I work 9:30 to 5:30 today. I am a little tired but I can handle it for a few weeks if I have to. Just please say a prayer that my water doesn't break in the middle of a clinic in front of a bunch of strangers. That is not exactly what I had in mind when I think about going into labor. But, my guess would be that will be how baby Cash will decide to make his appearance.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Nursery done...check...(maybe)

I am pretty sure the Mr. Cash's nursery is done. Finished. Complete. We are going to install a fan in his room within the next few days so the poor kid doesn't sweat like crazy when he's in there. Again, I am sorry for the quality of the pictures but an iPhone can only do so much. I will hopefully be getting my new camera this weekend or next but I am thinking I need it pretty quick.
Here is his dresser with his changing pad that has rustic stars on it. (I know you guys have already seen the mirror but I had to show it again. I'm just so proud of it!)

What a terrible pic! This is his window with brown curtains and a rope hanging above it.

This is the wall behind his crib with one of his shelves that holds his books.

This would be his other shelf that has a picture frame, stuffed horse and his little cowboy boots.
Here is his crib with his letters above it. The woman who made them did an awesome job and matched the colors and the designs from his bedding perfectly on the letters. I wish I would have gotten them a little bigger, but what do you do?

Surprise baby shower at school

Here are some of the pictures from the surprise baby shower my awesome classmates threw me a couple of weeks ago. I still am blown away at the generosity and support that I get from the people in my class every day. I won't be seeing any of them for a month and that seems way too long! The above pic is of the most of the PT and OT class that came to the shower.

How cute is this 'lil cowboy cake?!? It was super yummy too!

I loved the fact that they threw me a "surprise" shower, but I wish I didn't look like death.

Some of my good friends from school. From left to right: Kim, Danielle, me, Emily and Sally.

I loved present time but I am so awkward and I get so nervous

How cute is this OU polo onesie?? Thanks Danielle. I loved it!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go..."

This song seemed to be my theme song for the last few days. (If you don't recognize it, its Leaving on a Jet Plane). I was told by some friends of mine that I was behind on some things that I should get caught up on. Apparently, I needed to have my hospital bag packed, my car seat in, and my list of people to call or text ready to go about 3 weeks ago. Whoops! I have the list pretty much done, the bag is packed, and the car seat will go in this weekend.

So, I am ready! But baby Cash is obviously not on the same schedule as me. I had my 36 week Dr.'s appt today and it appears that the little man is in no hurry to make his grand appearance. I was dilated to a one (barely) and I was not effaced at all. So, no baby for a little while. Everything else looked good. Heart rate was still great and I gained a few pounds over the last two weeks, which I was politely instructed to do by my Dr. Blood pressure was 100/70 and I have had no swelling...yet.

So I guess we will wait until next Thursday when I go back to the Dr. to see if I have made any progress.

By the way, this whole "getting checked" by the doctor is really not the most comfortable thing in the world. I know it is just a part of it, but dang! Give me a little warning, would ya?!?