Saturday, September 28, 2013

3 year and (almost) 10 month check up...

 I feel kind of bad. I used to write down every number and every word Cash used to say. Every inch and pound he ever gained is right here, on this blog. Their baby book. And in typical second child fashion, Presley Mae hasn't got that same attention.

But I have come to realize something. That it's okay. It's not going to make Presley any difference when she looks back on this blog when she is 30 and wonders, "how much did I weight when I was 9 months old?". She will read my thoughts about her as a wonderful baby. My feelings for her will hopefully jump off the page and into her heart and spirit and stay there for years and years. Yes, I have decided that it is okay.

We did go to the doctor and what I remember is this: Cash is kind of short and fat and Presley Mae is tall and skinny. Both are doing great and the doctor had nothing but praise for my babies. There. See. That wasn't so hard.

What is important isn't numbers and stats. It's how they make us feel as parents and as a family. It's how they make others feel. How they change the world.

Cash, you are such a beam of energy and light. You go and go and go and go. All day. Rarely stopping. Never one for silence or sitting still (unless you are watching Iron Man). You are hilarious when you are not trying. You are very tender hearted and concerned for anyone who may be hurt or any baby that's crying. You have a genuine concern for other people. And that may be one of my favorite qualities you have. You love going to church and learning about Jesus. You love school and still get in trouble for being too handsy and too much of a boy (not my words, but your teachers). You love football and want so desperately to be an OU football player. You are just such a joy to be around and amaze people with your athletic ability. I love you little man.

Presley Mae, you are a little firecracker. I thought you were going to be my quiet child since your brother is quite loud. I may have been wrong. You are such a sweet girl, but have shown me that you possess a little sass. You love being held and to give sugars with some extra slobber behind them. You love your brother and laugh at anything he does to you. Even when he makes you hit yourself in the face, you laugh. You want to be where everyone is and don't really like to be left alone in a room. I like to call that nosey. Your teachers love you and comment about how great of a baby you are and how much you smile. You are trying to cut a few teeth and are doing it like a champ. I can't wait to see you show us that wonderful smile with some little teeth behind it. You are my baby girl, who I just love to dress and shop for. I love you baby girl.

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