Monday, April 12, 2010

Our baby boy has his name...we think...

After long deliberation (and I mean long), I think that we have decided on our little boy's name. It is actually a really stressful decision to make because you don't want to name him something that he is going to hate when he gets older and you don't want him to get made fun of. Out of every choice that we thought of we had to take it through the "Anna Anna bo banna, banana fana fo fanna, me my mo manna, Anna" just to make sure the names we were entertaining would not get him made fun of. (But he is bound to get made fun of in this day and age from kids anyway).

We have had his first name in our pockets since we found out that we were expecting. When Noah first heard this name he loved it and begged to use it if we found out we were having a boy. We have been saying his name when referring to him to make sure that we like it and don't get tired of it or annoyed by it.

His first name has pretty much been decided on for the past 3-4 months, but his middle name was causing some conflict. Without further delay....

We can't wait to welcome CASH RYAN ALLEN to our family.

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