Saturday, February 9, 2013

Do you ever...

Do you ever just sit and marvel at your children and wonder how in the world you were chosen to be their tangible compass on this Earth?

Do you ever stare at your children while they sleep and pretend they are dreaming about you?

Do you ever lie with your children and put your ear up to their heart and just listen? 

Do you ever smell your babies and pray you never forget that sweet baby smell?

Do you ever look at your spouse with amazement that you two, together, created these amazing creatures?

Do you ever sneak up behind your child while they play alone and listen to them use their imagination and tear up because they are growing up without your permission?

Do you ever promise yourself that no matter what happens in life, your children will know without a shadow of a doubt that you love them more than anyone... except their daddy?

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night in tears because you had a bad dream about one of your kids and all you can do is rush to their room and pray?

Do you ever wonder how your life will be in 20 or 30 years because of your children?

Do you ever think about the fact that one day you will not be here and your children will only have memories, pictures, and stories about you to pass on?

I do.

And that is why I have this blog. So that my children can read this when they are older. And they can read it when I am gone and remember me and my unwavering and relentless love I had for them. 

They can read it like a story to their kids. And their kids kids. And their kids kids. A magical story about a wonderful boy and a marvelous girl. And what they did in life. And how I was a part of that. And they might feel, in some distant way, that they knew me. I mean, really knew me. 


(Please share with me some of your "Do you ever's". I would love to hear them)

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