Sunday, September 12, 2010

Milestone reached...

I stumbled across some very good news this past week. I am back to my pre-baby weight! I must say I am pretty pumped about this, but I still feel like I have a ways to go.

Nobody bothers to tell you when you are pregnant about the devastating things your body goes through after you have your precious bundle. No one talks about the incredible amount of pain you are in once any medicine wears off. Or the fact that things down south swell like I never thought possible and the treatment for it? An ice pack (which I must say was like my best friend for the first two days). Or the fact that you bleed like a wounded animal for 4-6 weeks. Or that when you push on your stomach you feel like you can actually touch your spine because it is so flabby and soft.

So that is where I am now. Flabby and soft... but back to pre-baby weight nonetheless. So here is to some toning and hardening over the next few months.

1 comment:

  1. very well said! way to go mom on getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight!
