Monday, August 30, 2010

Smile for the camera!

Baby Cash,

You smiled at me today.

Not one of those grins you get when you are pushing out gas or doing your business. But a real life, genuine, mommy your so silly kind of smile.

It melted my heart!

I love your smile and want you to smile as much as possible in this life of yours. There are few things that can make me happier than your smile.


Yaya visits!

Noah's mom, who's grandma name is Yaya, came to stay with us for an entire week to help me ease back into my first week of school. It was the biggest help ever and I'm not sure how things would have gone if she had not been here. She cooked dinner, did laundry, babysat Cash, took Cash on walks, changed diapers, fed the little monster, got up in the middle of the night to rock her precious grandson.... and lots of other things. We were so happy to have Yaya here and it means the world to us that Cash is going to be around his grandparents from Houston even though they live a good distance away. Cash may not ever remember this week that he got to spend with his Yaya, but it is something that myself and Noah (and I am pretty sure Yaya too) won't forget. Thank you Susan for helping me out for my first week back to school. It was great having you here and we can't wait for you guys to come back and visit baby Cash and us.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The fountain of youth?

So, I was told before I ever had Cash that I had to have a quick draw when changing his diaper. I gave a nod and smile and agreed but never really gave much thought to it until I realized that my little cowboy has one of the fastest draws in the west! I have adapted the 'ol saying to fit my circumstances a bit better. Pee on me once, shame on you. Pee on me twice, shame on me! Cash got me the other morning! I smiled and wiped it off the wall and my clothes and went on with changing his diaper. Then.... again! I didn't know he had a storage of pee like a camel has a storage of water! I have learned to be quicker in covering his little wee wee (or wenus as Noah calls it), but there is still room for improvement.

Oh and F.Y.I to Cash: I know you won't read this until you are much older, but I have you know that I am not the only one you pee on. You actually peed in your own face yesterday, so ha!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The last 3 weeks in review...

Cash has been hanging out in the world for the last 3 weeks and I am sure he has been loving every minute. Here is a recap of how things have gone thus far...

We started Cash in his room and in his crib and he has not had any problems. The first two nights Noah and I maybe got 45 minutes of sleep at a time. We had no idea what the problem was and why Cash was crying so much. We discovered, on the third night, that Cash absolutely hates to be swaddled. My kid is already not following the baby rules and it was only the first week. I thought all babies liked to be swaddled?!? It may not have helped that we are the worst swaddlers in the history of swaddling. But oh well, we now know to keep the baby burrito away from Mr. Cash. Noah has been getting up once a night to feed Cash a bottle and I have been taking over the other two nightly feedings. He has been doing much better at sleeping and is trying to get on a schedule (Trying being the key word). His nightly routine consists of a bath, a feeding and prayers with mommy and daddy. We also found out he doesn't really like to sleep on his back. He prefers to drift into dreamland on his side. Hey, whatever floats his boat.

Doing what he does best!
My boy hated his sponge bath, but I hear that is pretty common in newborns. Last week, he got a big boy bath and enjoyed it for the most part. He may hate me later in life for putting this pic on here, but I couldn't resist. This is right before his big boy bath.

There was also another thing he did, but we are pretty sure it was a total accident. Our little 2 week old at the time rolled over. That's right, he did it all by himself. We put him on his stomach for a little tummy time and he found his own way onto his back. We like to think it is because he is a physical phenom (but we may be biased). Today was his 3 week birthday and Cash and I went for a run in our jogging stroller. He did awesome and slept the entire time. But I know he was cheering me on with his eyes shut good and tight.

Noah and I dropped Cash off at my parents house this passed Friday night and went out for our weekly date night. We had a nice dinner and ice cream afterwards. It was a perfect night and we didn't even call and check on him one time!
My little dude looks like he is trying to eat my face off.

He is becoming much more alert and likes to just sit and stare at anything. He can burp and fart like a champ and has a case of baby acne. But he is perfect despite not letting us get a full nights sleep and crying for what seems like no good reason. We are adjusting to each other and learning about each other every day.
We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings us!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome to the world baby Cash!

I can't believe I haven't updated this thing since our dear baby boy was born. I am such a slacker. We welcomed our little dude on Sunday July 25, 2010 at 3:01 p.m. It was the most surreal experience and one that I was not prepared for. I can't lie, the days leading up to Cash's due date I was extra busy with school stuff and didn't really give myself a chance to think about what to expect during child birth. Maybe that was a good thing, but who knows?

The labor went well and Mr. Cash held up his end of our bargain to stay in until his due date (thanks kiddo). I went in Saturday night and was given the drip to induce labor at 5:30 a.m. Sunday morning. My water broke at 6:00 a.m. (which is a whole other story in itself) and I began having contractions at 6:30 a.m. My contractions stayed consistent at 1 minute apart and I was dilated to a 6+ and 90% effaced when I politely asked for the epidural. (You have to love modern medicine :) She told me that I was 2ND on the list and the Dr. would be in my room in about 30 minutes to shoot me up. All I could think was, "You mean I have another 30 contractions to go through??" After about 15 minutes (more like 2 hours in my mind) the nurse came back in and said he would be about another 20 minutes. Boo! Anyway, I got the epidural and it was like a whole new world. Loved it!

When it came time to push, I pushed for about an hour and Noah was probably the best pushing coach ever. I couldn't have asked for a better husband to help me through it. The Dr. came in and I pushed three more times and out popped Cash. The most amazing this was that Noah got to pull him out and put him on my chest. I loved that Noah got to have that moment. Cash had some respiratory problems, so they took him to the NI CU for about 3 hours. I didn't get to see my son for 3 hours!! Talk about brutal.

It was a great and overwhelming experience once I was able to hold Cash and we have been hanging out together ever since. Here are a few pics from the delivery room.