Cash and I took a quick trip to Houston, TX this past week to see Noah's parents and family. Noah was working in Arkansas, so it was just me and the 19 month old. I repeat. Me and a 19 month old. Alone. In a truck. On a 7 hour drive. And it couldn't have gone smoother. He was a champ during the drive to and from Houston. We didn't have to watch any movies or have any signs of crying or fit throwing. Cash turned out to be a true seasoned traveler.
It did make me realize the importance of planning for a long road trip without the aid and hands of another adult. I had to make sure there were three sippy cups filled with water because inevitably he would drop one. Or two. I had to make sure all snacks and books were within my reach so that I could pass them along to Cash when he wanted them. If something was dropped, it stayed there until we stopped. And to my surprise, there was no objection from Cash in that regard.
We left our house at 4:30 am to begin our adventure. Cash stayed awake for the first 45 min of the drive and fell asleep for the next 45 min. He woke up hungry around Denton, so we stopped at the all important Chick-fil-a. Or "chick-la" as Cash calls it. We got out, ate, and played for about 30 min and jumped back on the road.
The next thing we did was find every single cow or horse along the way and talk about them. And repeated it. Over and over and over and over (you get the picture). We also, for some reason, started looking for buffalo or butt-lo as Cash called them. That went on for about an hour until we stopped at Buckee's and found a small stuffed buffalo, which I quickly bought for a measly $4. Then back on the road to dance and sing and read books.

Duly noted! He looks like a pro pulling that cart around, haha.