I guess I haven't been writing you letters because I feel like you are getting old enough to understand what I am saying to you. Although I know you can't, I still feel silly sometimes to still write little love letters to you. But, deal with it.
My how times change. I just read a post I wrote to you back in April and it was about dancing with each other before you went to sleep. I was jealous of that moment for about 5 seconds and then realized that I have other moments with you that top that. Tons of them. As a matter of fact, I make new moments with you every day. Take tonight for example.
We played basketball in the living room for about a solid hour. You and I both had a permanent smile on our faces. And in that moment, we built our bond even stronger. And then you did something that made me tear up. (I'm your mom, so I can tear up when I want to.) Anyway, you started singing to me. With no prompting or persuading from me, you walked up to me and put your head down on my shoulder and started singing "
Rock-a-bye baby" as best as your little lips and voice could sing it. It was absolutely, without a doubt, the most beautiful song I have ever heard.
I am beginning to realize that my cuddle time with you is getting shorter and shorter. You are far too active and curious to sit still long enough to cuddle with your little '
ol mom, but it doesn't mean that I won't still try. We still dance. We still kiss. We still love each other with an openness that makes my heart swell. But I have come to grips that this too, will dwindle.
But, in the meantime please keep singing your songs and I will try to hold back my tears.