Monday, December 26, 2011

Dear baby

My sweet baby Cash,

I have been on Christmas break for the past week and have been able to spend a lot more time with you during that week. Each day, something new is learned. Sometimes by you and sometimes by me. In the past week, I have discovered how unbelievably smart you are. Trust me, I understand the motherly bias that I present to this comment, but you amaze me with how quickly you pick things up. With how well understand what I am saying and how you respond to me. You are like this little sponge that soaks up every bit of insight and knowledge that you possibly can. And it makes my mama chest swell with pride. Know this, if I believed it was best for our family I would stay home with you. But right now sweet boy, that is not the best thing for our family. Maybe one day. But I do what I do because it puts our family in a better position.

And as you learn more things, you are quicker to see what you can get away with. You are a button pusher and you most definitely walk the line (pardon the pun). As your mother, I just want to love on you and nurture you. I want to kiss and hug you all the time, but that is just not realistic. I have to discipline you. I have to give you spankings and time-outs and anything else that works.

This whole parenting and discipling thing is like putting a puzzle together without the box picture to guide me. I sometimes feel like I am making my way in the dark with nothing but a flicker of candlelight to light my way. But we are, nonetheless, feeling our way and figuring it out. Just know that it really does hurt my heart to have to discipline you. Even though I believe, without a doubt that it is the best thing for you, it is still hard. And I can't imagine that as you get older and begin to understand a bit more of what is going on, that it will get any easier.

I love you more and more every day,

Merry Christmas to all...

This year Christmas was a bit more fun because Cash was able to rip open his own presents and play with the toys his got. Sort of. He still doesn't understand the true meaning of Christmas and isn't able to fully participate , but each year will be more and more fun.
Here are some photos from Christmas morning. Please excuse his cheesy smile in the pictures. For some reason this is the smile Cash has taken to whenever he sees a camera.

Merry Christmas,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Allen 2nd family card


From our family to yours

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Almost 16 month check up

Cash had his 15 month, actually closer to 16 month, check up this week. Everything went great and he was a super champ during his 3 shots.

Here is some new info:

  • Pretty average for weight. Again, I don't remember the % but he was 25 lbs.

  • Big head and short stature.

  • "Very advanced physically and verbally". Not my words, the Dr's.

  • Has started eating with a fork

  • Has started to point to and tell me "poo poo" before he poops

  • Says every one's name and has started to make animal noises

  • Over the past couple of months has started to really love milk

  • Can put his own back pack on and starts walking for the front door saying and waving bye

  • Has a little basketball goal in the living room that is about a foot above his head. He loves to shoot on it, and made 15 shots in a row the other day. Proud mama

  • Saying a ton of other words and trying to put a few words together, but too many words to list here


Thankful Day 16,17,18,19

Day 16 I'm thankful for a clinical instructor who is a great teacher and one who challenges me to think outside the box and search for my own answers.

Day17 I'm thankful for hot showers and a nice, comfy bed.

Day18 I'm thankful for my cell phone. I know it sounds terrible but it is a great tool to keep in touch with friends and family.

Day 19 I'm thankful for my OU family. I am thankful for the relationships and memories that I have formed with some very special people.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Newest family pics

We had more family pictures taken this year by the oh so talented Kate Gaines, with Hannah Kate Photography. She did such an awesome job and the pictures turned out better than I had hoped for. She was so prepared with props, ideas, and poses for us, which made things easier with Cash. I will for sure be using her in the future and would recommend her to anyone wanting pics taken.

Here is her website:

Here are some of the pics that she took. Stunning!


Day 15 Thankful

Day 15 I'm thankful for having so many family pictures. I am never going to regret having our pictures taken every 3-4 months because I know I will look back when I am older and cherish the pictures.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Halloween party (a month later)

This year, all the moms wanted to try and get all of the kiddos together. Under one roof. In costumes. I'm not sure if we were crazy or adventurous, but we tried it anyway. It went great. No fights. Hardly any blood. New friends were made and old friendships were strengthened.

I'm sorry about the first few pictures, I had to take them before the party with my iPhone because I can't upload pictures still.

All in all it was a good time and I'm sure all of the mom's would agree that it was fun to have all the kids together.


Thankful Day 13 and 14

I am bad at this...

Day 13 I'm thankful for my church, Journey. It is an incredible place that I can be myself and not hold anything back.

Day 14 I'm thankful for my small group. We talk about some incredibly deep things, but don't take ourselves too seriously. We have a blast while still being able to build Godly relationships.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thankful Day 10,11,12 (oops)

I'm a bit behind, but let's get caught up shall we??

Day 10 I'm thankful for a roof over my head, warm shower, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in.

Day 11 I'm thankful for my freedom that so many men and women and fought and died to protect. I'm thankful to their families for also sacrificing so much for our country.

Day 12 I'm thankful for my truck. It gets me from place to place without any hiccups and is paid for. It has 130,000 miles on it, but still runs just like I need it to.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 9 Thankful

Day 9 I'm thankful for my nation and freedom. I appreciate all the men and women who have fought on behalf of our country to afford me the freedoms I live today.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 8 Thankful

Day 8 I'm thankful for my health.

As bad of shape as I feel like I am in right now, I am still very grateful for my health. I am hardly ever sick and haven't had many things that have been able to keep me down and out except my own willpower :) Hopefully that will be changing this week...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7 Thankful

Day 7 I'm thankful for an education that is preparing me for a job.

I have been in school longer than I care to admit. Too long actually. But nonetheless, I am earning a doctoral degree in physical therapy and I couldn't be happier or prouder of myself. I am thankful for my dedication and commitment to my degree despite the incredibly shocking, yet exciting, news of my pregnancy with Cash. I had my "out" of school right there. But I was raised different than that, and decided to finish what I started.

I am thankful for my school and the opportunities it will provide for me and my family.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dear Baby Cash,

I guess I haven't been writing you letters because I feel like you are getting old enough to understand what I am saying to you. Although I know you can't, I still feel silly sometimes to still write little love letters to you. But, deal with it.

My how times change. I just read a post I wrote to you back in April and it was about dancing with each other before you went to sleep. I was jealous of that moment for about 5 seconds and then realized that I have other moments with you that top that. Tons of them. As a matter of fact, I make new moments with you every day. Take tonight for example.

We played basketball in the living room for about a solid hour. You and I both had a permanent smile on our faces. And in that moment, we built our bond even stronger. And then you did something that made me tear up. (I'm your mom, so I can tear up when I want to.) Anyway, you started singing to me. With no prompting or persuading from me, you walked up to me and put your head down on my shoulder and started singing "Rock-a-bye baby" as best as your little lips and voice could sing it. It was absolutely, without a doubt, the most beautiful song I have ever heard.

I am beginning to realize that my cuddle time with you is getting shorter and shorter. You are far too active and curious to sit still long enough to cuddle with your little 'ol mom, but it doesn't mean that I won't still try. We still dance. We still kiss. We still love each other with an openness that makes my heart swell. But I have come to grips that this too, will dwindle.

But, in the meantime please keep singing your songs and I will try to hold back my tears.


Day 6 Thankful

Day 6 I'm thankful for my friends. All of them

From my friends that I have had since elementary school to the friends I gained in high school. To the teammates that became like my family at OU to the friends I have gained since PT school began. To the friends I have gained just this year and to the friends I have yet to make.

Thank you all for loving, supporting, and accepting me. I don't know what I would do without you.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 5 thankful

Day 5 I'm thankful for my in-laws. ALL OF THEM!

I am completely blessed that I married into the family I did. Seriously. They are the sweetest, most supportive, and craziest family in the world. (I can call them crazy because I am a part of the craziness!)

Noah's parents, Tom and Susan, have been nothing but supportive and encouraging of mine and Noah's relationship from the get go. At least that is what I like to think :) They live in Houston but help out with Cash whenever they can. Susan has come in during all of my finals weeks to watch Cash so that I can study because she knows how important it is for me to do well in school. Tom absolutely adores Cash and gives him the most affection whenever he is around. Kaitlen, Noah's sister, has made a couple of trips to Oklahoma to see Cash and make sure that she gets quality aunt time with her nephew. Samuel and Stephany made a trip to Oklahoma to see Cash when he was just a newborn to make sure Cash didn't go too long without meeting his other aunt and uncle.

My sister-in-law, Angie, makes a point to call me a few times a week, who am I kidding? We talk almost daily. But she checks in on Cash to see how he is doing and what is new with him. Her boys, Luke, Brady, and Owen, show Cash so much attention and "cousin love" whenever they get to see each other. They treat him like he was another brother and that just makes my heart melt. Caleb, Noah's brother, is so good with Cash and gives him tons of hugs and wrestles with him whenever he gets the chance. He treats him no different than he treats his own boys, and that to me is a very unique quality.

The extended family, too many to list them all out, are the funniest group of people I know. They too have been nothing but supportive of me and Noah's relationship and accepted me into their family with no complaints (that I heard :) They visit when they can, call when they can, and have shown Cash tremendous amounts of love since the day he was born.

I love them all.

Day 4 Thankful (oops, I'm behind a day)

Day 4 I'm thankful for my family:

I have the worlds best family. I really do. I have people that would drop what they were doing and help me any time I need it. They help me with Cash almost every day and take the pressure off of me to feel like I have to do everything.

My mom watches Cash on Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays right now. Until I get a job and we get Cash into a mothers day out, this is the system we are working right now. And Cash loves it. He loves going to Noni's house and playing with the dogs, playing basketball, playing with the cat, and who knows what else they do over there. My mom will drop what she is doing and bring Cash to have lunch with me during the week because she knows how much it bothers me to know see him during the day.

My dad loves having Cash around (even though he may not admit it) and Cash loves his gran-dude. He introduced Cash to his favorite person, Darth Vader, and constantly shows Cash affection and loves to get down in the floor and play with him.

My brother refuses to change Cash's diaper or even hold him when he is dirty. I doesn't like for Cash to kiss him on the lips and won't eat after Cash. But he always wants to see him and hold him and play with him. He makes an effort to be a great uncle and drives in from Tulsa to make sure he sees Cash as often as he can.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3 Thankful

Day 3: I'm thankful for my son, Cash.

He is the only one that knows what my heartbeat sounds like from the inside. He is the only one that I have shared such a unique bond as mother and son. He is my smile on bad days. My teacher of patience. My sense of pride. My first child. My sense of amazement that I could love someone so much before I ever held him.

I believe that God gave me my son, my specific son, for a reason. To teach me lessons. To challenge me. To fill my heart a bit more each day with a love I never thought possible. To help me realize what a sacrifice it was for God to give His son. And for that, I am forever thankful

I am living and learning how to be his mom. Day by day. Minute by minute. Mistake by mistake. I figuring this thing called mommy hood out. Slowly. But figuring it out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2: Thankful

Day 2, I am thankful for: my husband.

My partner. Rock. Constant stitch in my side from something hilarious he says. Provider for our family. Blah blah blah... you get the gushy details.

To be brutally honest, there are times that am so annoyed with Noah that I feel like I can't see straight. There are times that he makes me so mad, I wonder how on Earth we will make it another year. But even when I am upset, hurt, disappointed, or mad I am thankful for my husband. Thankful for his flaws. Thankful for his strengths. Thankful for his humor. Thankful for his honesty sometimes:) Thankful that he chose me to be his wife and to love unconditionally. Thankful that he is the leader of our family.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 1: Thankful

A patient told me today that she was going to keep a journal about what she is thankful for every day during the month of November. I thought that would be a great idea, especially since my camera isn't wanting to upload pics right now. So, since this blog is like my journal/baby book/family updater/memory album for when I am old and forgetful, I thought I would join in. So here it goes...

Day 1
I am thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His constant grace, blessings, and forgiveness.


I have pictures...

I really do have a lot of pictures on my camera to upload to my computer to then, put on the blog. BUT...

I have done something to the plug in part of my camera and am not able to upload any pics right now. Complete bummer.

Here is another picture to hold you over until I can get the dang thing fixed...


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Family pics

I know you all were wondering, "It's been a few months, aren't they going to take family pics again soon"?? Well, y'all would be correct.

A very good friend of mine shot pictures of my entire family and some with just me, Cash, and Noah. I'm dying to see them.

Until then, she sent me a teaser to hold me over.

Drool on this for a while.