Friday, February 23, 2018

Dear Presley Mae,

Child... you are something else. You are spunky. You are hilarious. You are meant to stand out. You are a tester of patience. You are just like your daddy. You are so inherently wild that it honestly scares me for when you get older. You are ours. All ours...

There is no doubt about your need for physical affection and "cuddles". You hate disappointing people. You are by far the funniest person I have ever met. Your wit is second to none and that is fairly nerve-racking. You are friendly and inclusive and you are confident in your own skin. You tell me frequently that God made you just the way your are and you love how he made you.

You make me question everything I thought I knew about parenting, but in a good way. You make me smile. You make me proud. You make me laugh. You make me excited for the future.

I sure do love you sweet girl.

Love, Mom