Sunday, September 10, 2017

The most magical, and spontaneous, trip we could have ever not planned...

In July, Noah and I were invited by friends to go to Hawaii for a week. Excuse me? Hawaii? For a full week? I think YES!

With no more than 4 days notice, we arranged off of work and for my parents to watch the kids for us.

And we were off. On the honeymoon we never had. To a place we had never been. On a trip we would have never imagined going on.

There was adventure and relaxation. There were deep talks and lots of laughs. There was an unhealthy amount of food consumed and the best macadamia nut ice cream in the world.

We went marlin fishing.

We went zip lining.

We went swimming.

I had a facial by the ocean and a massage by a waterfall.

We rode around the island in a jeep with the top off.

We found a fellow Sooner fan.

We flew around the island and saw an active volcano. I mean, actual magma!

I spent time with Jesus every single morning.

It was perfect.

Noah and I grew closer and made a million new memories.

We fell in love more than ever and talked about life and what we wanted it to look like.

Love, Erin