Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Terrible, I know. I have posted pretty much nothing and have no excuses for it. So let's forgive and foget and move on, shall we?

Cash is 15 months. Let me say that again, 15 months. Time is flying with my little nugget and I'm not sure I like it. Here are the updates of things he is up to:

  • Will climb up the big toy at Chick-fil-a and down the big slide by himself.

  • Loves to buckle his car seat straps

  • Still eats a bunch of different things but has started to take the broccoli off his plate.

  • Loves water and calls it "Noah" when he wants his sippy cup. Hilarious. I have no idea why he calls it Noah, so don't ask me

  • Can pick out and say airplane when he hears or see's one outside. It doesn't sound like airplane, it actually sounds more like "hot dog" when he says it, but he is consistent with "hot dog" for airplane

  • Says "book" all the time, but will only sit down to read it for about 1 minute

  • Loves his Bible and just yesterday he pointed to Jesus and said "Jesus!" and clasped his hands and bowed his head. One proud mama!!!!!

  • Loves riding on his rocking horse

  • Says "help me" "hold me" "nack" for snack "bye" "la" for love "baby"

  • He can say "bubba" better than he can say "sissy", which kind of makes me happy :)

  • Loves to play "baketball" and "buttball" which is football

  • Still loves to play outside and tries to open the door all the time to let himself out

  • Oh yeah, he says "waffo" for waffle and "nana" for banana

  • Can say "Byce and Tipp" for his friends Bryce and Tripp, which is too cute

  • He is still not interested in sitting down to watch tv for any length of time and will only stop what he is doing for 30 seconds if "Mishy" or Mickey is on tv.

  • Yells "tudown" any time someone scores a touchdown on tv

  • Loves baths

  • Loves brushing his teeth

  • He is very good at repeating words. He may not know what they mean but if you ask him to say something, he can give you the 'ol college try

I am sure there are a hundred other things I forgot, but I will add them later as I think about them since this is Cash's baby book.

He still makes us smile. Still makes us laugh. Still makes our lives.



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