Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day is a time for...

Homemade Father's Day cards...

And lots and lots of sugars for daddy and laughs between my two boys.

Happy Father's Day to a terrific daddy and husband, Noah.


Erin and Cash

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

10 months and counting...

I realize that I haven't done many stats on Cash lately and so I thought I would play a small game of catch up. Ready....go.

  • You have 6 teeth. 6! You little monster

  • You can do the "Indian" where you put your hand to your mouth and pat it while making noise. I know Indian is not technically PC, but he doesn't understand when I say, "Do the Native American", so Indian will do for now.

  • You love clapping for yourself

  • You love to swim and be dunked under water

  • You eat pretty much all table food now and will eat anything that is put in front of you for as long as we put it in front of you. Geez, fatty!

  • You have mastered the sippy cup! Finally! After much trial and error, we found a sippy cup that you love and drink lots of water from

  • You fall pretty much 5 times a day. Not all of them are hard falls, but some are

  • So far you have fallen and hit your mouth on the coffee table and your top left tooth was bleeding all down your shirt- but you only cried for a few seconds. You have fallen and busted your lip and bloodied your nose when you were running in the hall at my school. You have fallen and hit mouth first on the hardwood floor at the OU gym and bloodied the same top left tooth. I will be surprised if you manage to keep that tooth

  • You love to play with any and every ball.

  • You love being outside still

  • You love to give "sugars" and give them with the open mouth and tongue method. We will discuss this later about who and when you can use this technique for

  • You LOVE Darth Vader. It is hilarious how much you love him. Thanks of course to my dad, Grandude

I am sure that I am missing a million things but that is what I can come up with at the moment.



Sunday, June 12, 2011

My dear sleeping baby,

There is something about watching you sleep that melts my heart and gives me an overwhelming sense that you have filled some mystical void in my life. You are growing to be such a big boy and every day I am reminded of that. With each day, you grow and will never be the same as you were the day before. I wish I could say that I am okay with that, but its not entirely true. I want you to grow up. I want you to learn new things. I want you to make mistakes (but let's limit these, shall we?). I want you to experience the world and then figure out a way to change it. But, I want you to be my little baby too. I want you to forever fit perfectly into my arms and the crook of my neck. I want you to forever call me "ma ma" with such conviction that I know without a doubt that I am all you want in that moment. I want to have my cake and eat it too.

It is baffling to me that our relationship is one of constant discoveries and realizations. Before you were born and were still my small baby that I was carrying, I knew nothing about you. I knew I loved you, but didn't know how or why. When you were born, I loved you even though I had only known you a few seconds. Moments. Minutes. Hours. We were strangers that were bonded with a genuine love for one another that cannot be explained. And now I am learning so much about you. What you like. What you don't like. What you think is funny. How you like to be laid down before you fall asleep. And how you prefer to run your fingers through my hair and pat my back when you get sleepy.

I want you to grow up because I love finding these things out about you. But, I want time to be on my side and creep by so I can soak up every drop of your babyhood.


My biggest tangible fear...

Snakes! I cannot stand snakes. I mean, I don't like snakes like Indiana Jones didn't like snakes. I steer clear of them when possible, which is pretty much always. Over Memorial Weekend, my cousin was racing horse out at Remington Park race tracks, and we made a quick trip over there to see them. It was Cash's first trip to see the horses race and he did awesome. Anyways...

Somehow there was an albino python snake inside the race tracks with its trainer and they were allowing kids to pet it. Eeek! Noah insisted that Cash go over there and pet the nasty thing. Of course, I was against the idea the entire time. But, pet the snake they did. Actually, it was more like grab the snake. Cash loved it and decided that it was just a larger version of the garden hose at home and he squeezed the life out of that snake. And thought it was funny.



Here is Cash petting the snake nicely. Good job, Cash!

And here is Cash beginning his squeeze-fest on the nasty thing.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Golfing with daddy...

After a long wait, and by long I mean 10 months, Noah took Cash to the golf course with him to show him a thing or two.

Cash had a blast running around barefoot and letting the cool, fresh cut grass slide between his tiny, yet fat, toes. He watched with intent when the ball rolled swiftly to the hole. Then he quickly ran to the hole to make sure that he could be the one to pull the ball out. And not let it go for a long while.

Here are some pics of the wonderful evening of family fun at the golf course...


Just keep swimming...

I don't know where I have been or what I have been doing, but my blogging hiatus has no explanation. Let's play catch up, shall we...

Cash went swimming for the first time over Memorial Weekend and he had a blast. And rightfully so. I mean, bathtime is his most favorite time of the day. Well, that and breakfast time. And lunch time. And dinner time. And snack time in between. But you get the point.
