Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dear Presley,

My sweet daughter. You are such a bright beaming light of love and happiness. You smile nonstop and yell "MAMA" when you see me coming. You are not afraid of anyone or anything. You are just you. The best possible version of you there ever was. And my fear is that you will some day change.

Growing up in this world is hard. Hard enough for anyone, but especially a girl. The constant feeling of needing to be accepted and look a certain way or talk a certain way. The number of female role models for girls is dwindling and I'm afraid by the time you are old enough to start looking to outside places for role models, there will be none worth finding.

So here is my advice to you sweet girl...

1. Girls can be really mean. And I mean really mean. They will make fun of you for being happy or cute or Godly or for just no reason. If a girl is ever jealous of you are something you have she will be mean. When you get old enough, don't be that girl. Be happy for other girls and what they have or how they look. Don't judge them or make fun of them. Be sweet and nice to them, because maybe nobody ever has before. Continue to be the bright shining beam of happiness that are you now.

2. Find you a great core group of girlfriends and stick with them. Girls change "best friends" as often as they change their clothes, which is insanely a lot. Find friends that think you are great just the way you are. No if, ands, or buts about it. They just like you because you are sweet, happy, fun, and encouraging. There is no better friend in this world than the one who is genuinely happy for them and their successes. Be that friend. And your friends will be that for you.

3. Pray. Pray that you will continue to walk down the right path. That you will not be tempted by the world that is high school politics. Pray that you will be an example of happiness and encouragement. Pray for your friends and ask them to pray for you.

4. This one is going to be a bit hard, but please try. Listen to your daddy and me about boys. Your daddy is going to be completely unreasonable when it comes to boys. And that is just the way it is going to be. But he is smart baby girl. Very smart when it comes to boys. I mean, he used to be one.

5.Never be ashamed of who you are or your family. No matter what happens, your family will always be there to love you, support you, and embarrass you.

I love you sweet girl,

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