Cash has always been a very easy baby. Very little crying. Easy to potty train during the day and at night. Just easy. But since he has gotten older, he is starting to think the dark is a spooky place to be by yourself. And to be honest, I can totally remember that feeling. The feeling of not really be scared by anything in particular, but just scared of the unknown that the darkness brings. Just recently he has been asking to lie in or bed for "2 minutes" and the he will go to his bed. He loves lying in our bed and talking and talking and talking. He dreads when I tell him his 2 minutes are up and he will often times throw a fit. But we somehow make it to his bed, where he asks me to lie down in his bed for "2" minutes. Oh geez...
After a 10 hour day at work, I am tired. Ready for bed when I walk in the door. And as bad as it sounds, sometimes I just want to curl up in my bed and go to sleep. But I have tried to take a different outlook over the last week or so. I am looking at it from my future mommy eyes. The eyes that will be in 15 years. The eyes that will see when Cash doesn't want me to lie in his bed. The eyes that see when I looks at my crazy for asking to lie down to read a book with him in bed. These days won't be here forever. And my baby won't ask me to lie down with him forever. So I will relish these moments and be patient and take all the snuggles I can get.
Presley Mae is quite the sleeper as well. She is taking after her big brother and proves to really like her beauty sleep. She likes to be held to go to sleep or she likes for you to put her on her stomach. Either way, she doesn't really care. She will sometimes reach for her crib when you are holding her, as if to say "I'm ready for my bed now. Please put me down". But sometimes I fight her struggles to lie down in her bed and just hold her. For all I know she could be my last baby, and the amount of time I get to hold her is slowly dwindling. So forgive me, baby girl, if I don't let you put yourself to sleep every night without some cuddles first.