Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week 3...

We have survived another week. That's always a positive. Everything is moving right along and our little family has not missed a beat. We still go and do and see as we want. Presley is a great baby who really loves her sleep. She is still sleeping 5 hours at a time at night and is very content with just being. She is a mellow baby and this mommy hopes that stays the case as she gets older. (Because if I have 2 of her big bro's, I would never sit down or stop playing basketball, baseball, or football.)

Cash is still adjusting to having a baby around. For the most part, he likes her. He is rough with her and has hit her. He even got things confused and thought she was a WWF wrestler and decided to head-butt her. But he is adjusting. However slowly that may be. He does try to be helpful and feed her and give her a pacifier. He gives her about 1000 kisses a day and gets kind of uneasy when she cries. He listens to what Noah and I say to her when she cries because he has started repeating, "I know sis, I know" whenever she starts to cry. It is pretty cute and funny to see him interact with her. 

Loving our little family right now.


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