Monday, December 24, 2012

Week 2 around here...

2 weeks down and everyone is still alive and accounted for. Things are going pretty good with minimal problems or melt downs. Here is the info thus far:

Presley Mae is doing great. She is sleeping 4-5 hours at a time still and drinking about 3 to 3.5 ounces every 4 hours. She sleeps throughout the entire day and would much prefer to be left alone than eat. Completely opposite of her brother. We took her to her 2 week check up and her stats are:

Weight: 8.7 lbs (69%)
Head circumference: 35 inches (54%)
Height: 21.5 inches (97%)

She rolled over yesterday from her back to her tummy, which was probably an accident. But maybe she will be getting a jump start on things like her big bro. 

She is all in all a pretty easy going and happy baby. No purposeful smiles yet, but I have seen her crack a few grins during a poop or fart and she has a cute little dimple on her left cheek. 

Big brother loves her and is really sweet to her about 90% of the time. The other 10% he is a little rough and thinks she is a toy to jump over and around. But we are working on that. 

Merry Christmas Eve,

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