Well, you came on your own good time. Just like I figured you would.
Monday morning (December 10th) at around 3:15 am, I began having slight contractions while lying in bed. I wasn't sure if they were true contractions or Braxton Hicks, but I was certainly feeling something. I decided to start timing them. 9 minutes apart and seemingly getting stronger, but still tolerable. I decided to get in the shower to see if I was in true labor and having real contractions or if it was false labor pains and I was just being a weenie. I asked Noah if he would time my contractions and at that point it was around 3:45 and they were about 4 minutes apart. Stronger but still tolerable.
I didn't want to cry wolf it this wasn't the real thing, but I think deep down I knew it was becoming more real that you were not going to wait until your due date. But still, I decided to wait it out at home and see if the contractions would lessen. No go.
At 4:15, my water broke and we knew it was time to head to the hospital. We called grand-dude to come over and sit with Cash so we could head to the hospital. At that point the contractions were pretty steadily at 3 minutes apart and getting much stronger.
We got to the hospital at 5:00 and checked in with the on-call nurse. They called the doctor and away we went. As soon as they called the doctor the on-call nurse check to see if I was dilated and low and behold I was dilated to a 7. A 7! I knew things were moving fast, but not that fast.
I couldn't get an epidural until they got me checked in, blood drawn, and about 1000 questions answered. It seemed like it was 5 hours worth of questions and the contractions were pretty awful at that point. Because I was so far along, they weren't sure if I would be able to get the epidural or any pain meds for that matter. I was kicking myself for waiting so long and thought I was going to have you all natural. Which was not really my plan.
After answering all the questions, pleading with the doctor, and chomping on some ice chips I was finally given an epidural. The contractions were at a minute apart and really, really awful at that point. They gave the epidural about 5-10 minutes to kick in and the doctor checked to see how far I had progressed. I was a 10. Like I said... Fast and furious.
I pushed about 45 minutes off and on and then about 10 minutes to finish the job. And there you were. You came face up so your forehead kind of resembled Peyton Manning's, but you were still beautiful. And you were ours.
You came into this world weighing 8.3 lbs and 20 inches long at 8:03 in the morning.
Just like I thought. At your own time. In your own way.