A while back we were praying before you were going to sleep. Daddy had gone to a funeral of a man he worked with and you were asking about a million questions. The conversation went something like this...
"Daddy, did that man have a son?"
"Yes, he did. And his son was crying because he won't see his daddy anymore"
So you decided that night you wanted to pray for that little boy...
"Jesus, please take that little boys tears away. And please give him a new father. And let that Father by you, Jesus".
Another example of how truly special you are and how you are shaping up to be a pretty great Christ follower is...
We were at the doctor getting your heart checked out. The doctor is listening to you heart beat, then turns to you and asks "Would you like to hear your heart?"
And your reply was ever so direct and to the point... "Why? Do you hear Jesus?"
Cash, I know every mother says this. "My kid is going to be something special". Every father believes his child is the most athletic and the best on the team. There is nothing wrong with this.
But young man, your mother is hear to tell you something.
You will change this world. I'm not sure how. I'm not sure when. I'm not even sure how I know this. But I know it. I feel it. You were created and brought into this world to change it.
So go on, sweet boy. Change it.