Monday, January 31, 2011

Dear baby,

The past few weeks you have felt the urge to wake up at either 3:00 or 5:00 a.m. whining and crying. I'm not really sure what brought on this sporadic habit but I am sincerely hoping that you decide to revert back to your old ways soon.

I let you cry. It's hard and tiresome and it really tests my patience. But I let you cry. I try not to hold you or rock you because I don't want you to get into that habit. But...

When it goes from a whine to a cry to a scream I go in there and I hold you. I take you in my room and I you lay on my chest. I know it is a really risky habit to start, but I need my sleep.

But I do have a secret that I will let you in on. Don't tell anyone, okay?

I am not sure that there is a more serene and pleasing moment that I experience during my day. I get to feel you little chest rise and fall with mine. I get to feel your breath on my neck as you nestle snugly in the nook between my head and shoulder. I am convinced with 100 percent certainty that God created your little head to fit perfectly in that spot. I am going to miss those moments when you are too big to rest on me and have decided to savor every opportunity I get with you.
Maybe more around 6:30 or 7:00 a.m. instead.


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