Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning...

Family traditions are really important to me. I have some that I do with my family and there are some that we do with Noah's family. I made a point to start our own family traditions this year with Noah and Cash. Nothing too special, just wanted to be able to tell Cash that he has done these traditions since his very first Christmas.

Cash and I (really who are we kidding, it was pretty much all mommy) made cookies to leave for Santa on Christmas Eve. Santa informed me that his favorite cookies are oatmeal chocolate chip with pecans, so I made sure to stay on Santa's "good" list and made them.

I know there are 3 pictures of the cookies and milk, but what can I say? I was proud of my cookies.

And if you ask me, it looks like Santa enjoyed the cookies as well.

We then let Cash open one present on Christmas Eve. One of the traditions will be that he will open one present on Christmas Eve and that present is going to be a new set of "jamas" as I call them (also know as pajamas to most folks). Then we said our prayers and went off to bed. The Christmas tradition that I will add next year is to read the Christmas story from the Bible before we go to bed the night before Christmas.

I love my fat little baby Santa...
Who are we kidding, all Cash really wanted to do was eat the wrapping paper.

On Christmas morning, Cash woke up and was so excited... not for presents but for the same thing he gets excited for every morning... a bottle. I swear nothing makes that kid happier. Anyway, he ate his bottle and played for a little bit. When we went to open presents the kid was passed smooth out. I mean I couldn't wake him up for anything. So he slept through his presents from his mommy and daddy and Santa.
Cash's presents included:
A baby Einstein DVD
A talking Elmo
5 authentic NFL jerseys that we are going to get framed and personalized "To Cash"
Some clothes

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