Saturday, December 14, 2013

Dear Presley Mae...

One year. That's how long it's been since we brought you home to join our family. One year from that morning when we barely made it to the hospital in time to greet you ( maybe not barely, but you really did cut it close). One year from transitioning from a family of three to a family of four.

And what a wonderful year it has been. Very uneventful. And I mean that in a good way. No problems. No sickness. No issues. A very easy year with a very easy baby. 

You have added a special "something" to our family that we didn't even know existed. You are crazily happy and smiley. You are rough and rough when you need to be, but give the best hugs and sugars. You have melted our hearts (mainly daddy's heart) and make us laugh every single day. 

You are my sweet gift. One that I didn't think I wanted. I didn't think I wanted to deal with girl clothes and bows. With earrings and tights. But I love every minute of it and wouldn't trade it. 

Thank you for being in our family Presley Mae...

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