Little update about Cash $...
7 1/2 months and growing like crazy (both ways if you know what I am saying)
Eats everything...except peas. He refuses to open his mouth so we have given up on the baby peas and will soon resort to the human peas and see how that works out
Eats about 4 baby foods a day and would eat 4 more if you let him
Is still cruising around holding on to the furniture, but the past few weeks he has started to pull himself up without any help and stand on his own for 5-8 seconds. Big boy!!
Cut 1 tooth! The front left tooth came in without too much of a fuss, but there were definately some changes
Is trying to learn to clap
Says dada all the time! I have been trying so hard for him to say mama, but when you ask him to say it all he does is smile
Loves bath time. Once he hears the water start up he takes of, speed crawling as a matter of fact, to the bathroom and stands and screams in excitement while the water comes out
Is wearing size 9 month clothes for the most part. Poor kid, I put him in some 3-6 month pants last night and he looked like such a dork. Can we say "highwaters"?
Is going on another flight, I think this is his 3rd flight, to Houston to stay the week. I sure will miss that boy
Loves being held, but not for too long. He loves to be down on the ground and playing and getting into things. He is actually pretty independent. He will sit in the floor and play by himself for 30 minutes without so much as a peep. He just turns around every now and then to make sure you are still there
Trying to use his sippy cup. He knows where it goes, just hasn't got the sucking part of the concept down yet
About 2 weeks ago, he really discovered his little... well I am not sure how a mom is supposed to say this so I will call it what his daddy calls it...wenus. Plays with it all the time when his diaper is off. Gross.
Loves to play ball. It doesn't matter what kind. Just as long as the ball rolls he is happy. I am pretty proud too because if you roll it to him he will put out his hands and 9 times out of 10 he will catch it and roll it back to you. Maybe he will be an athlete :)
Sticks his tongue out, just like his daddy, when he is concentrating on something
LOVES being outside and playing and eating grass.
He is a really funny kid and just makes our world go 'round...
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