I came home from school today in a bit of a frenzy. I have about a billion group projects, papers and chapters to read and remember. I was just going to grab you and put you in your car seat and take you to school with me to finish things I needed to get done.
You were not having any of that. You cried. And then fussed around. And then went to sleep for about 32 seconds. And then cried some more. Not exactly sure what the problem was, I looked at the clock and realized that it was almost time to eat (thanks for the reminder, but next time try and be a bot more subtle would ya?)
I thought for sure after you ate you would fall straight to sleep and I would be able to eat lunch, pump, read for class and fold a load of laundry.
You were not having any of that. You cried and then would stare into space. You cried and then flashed me a dashing smile that melted my heart and made me forget for a few minutes about how frustrated I was.
Now, as I type this to you with one hand because you are curled up so snugly on my chest and snoring in my face, I realize that I finally have some time to do my list of things.
The thing is...
I don't want to. I want to sit here holding you in my arm, watching you snore in my face, smelling your head and the creases of your neck (which I am happy to say don't smell like milk because I washed under your chins during your bath) and counting your fingers and toes.
Yeah, that sounds like a much better idea to me.
P.S. When you read this, I pray that you still love to cuddle with me like you do at this very moment.
don't make me cry!
ReplyDeleteIt's the simple things, isn't it!!