Before I started physical therapy school, before I was married with a baby, Noah and I talked about some motivating factors for finishing school (besides the obvious Doctoral degree and a very good and rewarding job). One thing we agreed on was that I can get whatever car I want if I make straight A's! I was sticking to the plan until I got a B in pathology last semester. But Noah told me that he wants me to have whatever I want and he is bound and determined to make my dream of having my "dream" car a reality. A Range Rover has always been my dream car, even though I have never been inside of one or driven one :)
Well... Lately I have had a real wake-up call. I am realizing how hard this is going to do. Going to school and being a student, wife, mommy, daughter, and friend. I feel like I have about 50 different hats to wear and none are getting worn to the degree that I would like. When I should be studying I feel guilty because I feel like I should be giving Noah and Cash my time and attention. And when I am spending time with them I constantly think about how I should be studying. It is a tight rope that I am trying to walk but I feel like I am doing more wobbling than anything. There is a happy medium and a way to make everything work, but I just haven't figured out how to do that yet.
Until then I think I am going to test drive a range rover to jump start my motivation :)
I know this song has been out for a while but I am just now getting around to blogging about it. The first time I heard this song in my car I didn't know whether I was going to laugh or cry because it is so true. Those of you who know Noah can attest to the fact that this song should be his song to baby Cash. Just about every part is a perfect example of Noah as a kid, teen, and adult (Except the shake his dad's hand part, Noah would never do that. He insists on giving him a hug and a kiss.) I just love listening to this song because it gets me so excited for the future and what shenannigans Noah and Cash are going to get into together. Below are the lyrics if you don't want to listen to the song.
I remember saying I don't care either wayJust as long as he or she is healthy I'm ok.
Then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screenAnd said "You see that thing right there well you know what that means."
And I started wondering who he was going to beAnd I thought heaven help us if he's anything like me.
He'll probably climb a tree too tall and ride his bike to fast.
End up every summer wearing something in a cast.
He's gonna throw a ball and break some glass in a window down the street.He's gonna get in trouble oh he's gonna get in fights. I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback if he's anything like me.
I can see him right now knees all skinned up.With a magnifying glass trying to melt a Tonka truck.
Won't he be a sight with his football helmet on.That'll be his first love til his first love comes along.
He'll get his heart broke by the time he's in his teens.And heaven help him if he's anything like me.
He'll probably stay out too late and drive his car too fast.Get a speeding ticket he'll pay for mowing grass.
He's gonna get caught skipping class and be grounded for a week.He's gonna get in trouble we're gonna get in fightsI'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep.
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback if he's anything like me.
He's gonna love me and hate me along the way.Years are gonna fly by I already dread the day.
He's gonna hug his momma, he's gonna shake my hand.He's gonna act like he cant wait to leave.
But as he drives out he'll cry his eyes out.If he's anything like me.
There's worse folks to be like.Aw, he'll be alright if he's anything like me.
I came home from school today in a bit of a frenzy. I have about a billion group projects, papers and chapters to read and remember. I was just going to grab you and put you in your car seat and take you to school with me to finish things I needed to get done.
You were not having any of that. You cried. And then fussed around. And then went to sleep for about 32 seconds. And then cried some more. Not exactly sure what the problem was, I looked at the clock and realized that it was almost time to eat (thanks for the reminder, but next time try and be a bot more subtle would ya?)
I thought for sure after you ate you would fall straight to sleep and I would be able to eat lunch, pump, read for class and fold a load of laundry.
You were not having any of that. You cried and then would stare into space. You cried and then flashed me a dashing smile that melted my heart and made me forget for a few minutes about how frustrated I was.
Now, as I type this to you with one hand because you are curled up so snugly on my chest and snoring in my face, I realize that I finally have some time to do my list of things.
The thing is...
I don't want to. I want to sit here holding you in my arm, watching you snore in my face, smelling your head and the creases of your neck (which I am happy to say don't smell like milk because I washed under your chins during your bath) and counting your fingers and toes.
Yeah, that sounds like a much better idea to me.
P.S. When you read this, I pray that you still love to cuddle with me like you do at this very moment.
I stumbled across some very good news this past week. I am back to my pre-baby weight! I must say I am pretty pumped about this, but I still feel like I have a ways to go.
Nobody bothers to tell you when you are pregnant about the devastating things your body goes through after you have your precious bundle. No one talks about the incredible amount of pain you are in once any medicine wears off. Or the fact that things down south swell like I never thought possible and the treatment for it? An ice pack (which I must say was like my best friend for the first two days). Or the fact that you bleed like a wounded animal for 4-6 weeks. Or that when you push on your stomach you feel like you can actually touch your spine because it is so flabby and soft.
So that is where I am now. Flabby and soft... but back to pre-baby weight nonetheless. So here is to some toning and hardening over the next few months.
I just have to say it, I love this picture of my sweet baby boy. He looks so peaceful and happy and I get the biggest smile on my face every time I look at it. It amazes me that I had a part in creating this sweet angel.
This weekend was the start of the 2010-2011 OU footballl season, and we could not be more excited! We tailgate before, during and after the game and I can honestly say that I enjoy it more than going into the games (most of the time). We took Cash to his first ever tailgate and OU football game and I must say....he was a champ. He was just shy of 6 weeks and didn't seem phased by anything. Not the loud tv's. the loud people, the football game or the loud fireworks. He slept like a little baby (probably because he is one) for the first few hours and when he woke up to eat he had a hard time going back to sleep because of all the noise. It took a little bit, but eventually he went to sleep and never looked back. I was such a proud mommy. Cash proved to me that he can come to more tailgates and he won't be a problem. Here are a few pics I took at the tailgate, sorry about the quality. I had to take them with my phone because my fancy shmancy camera was dead.
Sorry, this last one has nothing to do with the tailgate, I just thought it was cute.
Cash slept through the night on Monday night! It was glorious. I wasn't sure if I forgot to turn the monitor on or not, but when I checked was on! I was so proud of him! Oh who am I kidding, I was just so happy to get a few hours of sleep uninterrupted.
Last night he basically did the opposite of Monday night. He woke up at 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00 a.m. and I have no idea why. I guess that is part of the mystery of little babies.
But I would sure love the Monday-night Cash to show up again soon.