Monday, July 12, 2010

Breastfeeding 101...

I guess you can call me an expert now since I have been to a 2 1/2 breastfeeding class now. Yeah right!

I attended a breastfeeding class tonight, by myself I might add (Noah was supposed to go but his work has taken him out of town), and felt as though my head was spinning. I have heard from a number of mothers that breastfeeding is very hard and it is not as easy as what some people make it out to be. So I wanted to be a little prepared. I did not expect to hold an artificial boob in my hand and a plastic baby and talk about what color the poop and pee should be 4 days after he is born. It was interesting to say the least. Not to mention that I was totally awkward holding the plastic baby and I am pretty sure the little thing hit its head on the table once or twice. I really hope I get better at this whole holding a baby and feeding a baby and taking care of a baby thing.

Noah told me to tell the class that my baby's daddy is in prison and he would love to have made the class if he could. Luckily, I wasn't asked about my baby's daddy and so I didn't have to use this excuse. I have another class next Monday night and Noah should be in attendance for that one. I can't wait to hear some of the things that he says and comes up with. He is too funny. Case and point... our conversation the other day:

Me: I think I am having a contraction or something.

Noah: Are you sure its not one of those Harry Sampson's??

Me: What are you talking about?

Noah: You know, those fake contractions. What are they called?

Me: I think Braxton Hicks is what you are talking about.

Oh brother...

1 comment:

  1. Harry Sampson's? Where does he come up with this stuff??? Too funny!
